about us
Our Mission
Live in Faithful Obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ!
Rhoadesville Baptist Church
Rhoadesville Baptist Church began in the hearts and minds of individuals seeking a place of worship in the village of Rhoadesville, and their persistence in faith and determination grew into the church’s establishment in 1888. Though this building burned in 1892, the congregation built a larger building, completing it by January 1893, a scant eleven months construction. Future congregations have carried on this faith based and determined efforts for worship.
Sunday School rooms were added 1929; a basement addition done 1955; a baptistery constructed 1963; and, a fellowship hall begun in March 2007 was completed May 21, 2008. On Sunday, January 4, 2009 the note for the building was burned.
The congregation continues to carry on the great tradition of stepping out in faith and moving forward in determination for worship, fellowship, ministry, and missions. The church ordains women deacons; previously called a woman pastor; began Kid’s Hope for a weekly children’s program; and supports missions locally, state, and worldwide.
From beginning to present, Rhoadesville Baptist Church has followed the commandment of Christ to go and teach the Gospel to all nations. This is reflected in the church statement: “The Mission of Rhoadesville Baptist Church is to live in faithful obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.”