Rhoadesville Baptist Church

Live in Faithful Obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ!
Sunday Mornings

Rhoadesville Baptist Church

Service Times

Adult Bible Study/Children’s Sunday School 9:45
Worship 11:00

Pastor – Don Campbell

If you have kids, we invite you to arrive a few minutes early to get them checked in with our incredible Kid’s Ministry team.

 Adult Bible Study

Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday morning at 10:30 a.m.

RBC Choir

Choir Practice Wednesday evening at 6: p.m.

Erin Shafferman, Choir Director

Our Fellowship Hall

Our Mission

Live in Faithful Obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ!


Rhoadesville Baptist Church began in the hearts and minds of individuals seeking a place of worship in the village of Rhoadesville, and their persistence in faith and determination grew into the church’s establishment in 1888.  Though this building burned in 1892, the congregation built a larger building, completing it by January 1893, a scant eleven months construction.  Future congregations have carried on this faith based and determined efforts for worship.

Core Values

1) We do life together: Shared experiences make great stories.
2) We have fun.
3) We live authentically.
4) We live in response to God.
5) We believe God’s Word changes people.
6) We believe God works through broken people.
7) We fight for relational health.
8) We live generously.

Come Worship with Us!


A person is never too old to worship and learn more about out God. At Rhoadesville we understand and embrace this, as have several opportunities for our senior members to grow in Christ. We have a senior men’s and a senior women’s Sunday school class. Every third Thursday of the month is “Third Thursday Table Time”, where seniors meet for lunch and fellowship at various restaurants in the community and surrounding areas.


Too old to be with the youth? Too young to be with the seniors? There is still opportunities for you learn about our Lord, fellowship, and grow your faith. We have a young adults Sunday school class designed for those who have graduated high school until they are ready to move to one of the senior Sunday school classes. There are also opportunities in the life of Rhoadesville for our adult members to volunteer and help with the growth of the church whether it is serve on one of the several committees, help teach a Sunday school class, help with vacation bible school in the summer, or help chaperone the youth in the many outings and ministries.


In Luke 18:16 Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” It is never too early to begin to learn about God and our Savior, Jesus, and at Rhoadesville we have many opportunities for our elementary aged children to do just that. There are several Sunday school classes divided every few grades; we have KidsHOPE on Wednesday after school during the school year and meet a few times throughout the summer; and of course all of the children love our vacation bible school that we have every summer.

Come Join Us

26042 Lafayette Dr, Rhoadesville, VA 22542

Rhoadesville Baptist Church

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