Ministries at Rhoadesville Baptist Church
At Rhoadesville we have many active and strong ministries. There is a Sunday school class for any and all ages. KidsHOPE is our after school program that meets once a week during the school year and a few time throughout the summer. We have a Wednesday night prayer meeting and bible study where all ages are welcome. Our vacation bible school continues to grow and touch the lives of the youngsters in the church and community. We have an active and growing youth program that are engages in the life of our church but also in the community and around the state. Our senior members meet once a month for fellowship and lunch at different restaurants around the community and surrounding area. Whether you are young or just still young at heart, we at Rhoadesville have something for you to grow your faith in Christ alongside fellow likeminded Christians.
Senior Men
Our senior men’s Sunday school class welcomes anyone, whether you grew up in the church or have come to know Christ later in life. The class is for anyone who wishes to continue to grow in their walk with Christ and study the bible with other Godly men.

Senior Women
Like our senior men’s class, our senior women’s Sunday school class welcomes all to come and study the bible and grow their faith in Christ. A group of strong Christian women, they are happy to share their walk with Christ and help those around them to grow spiritually through Christ.
Young Adults
Our young adult class is for those who have graduated high school but don’t quite feel that they fit into one of the senior Sunday school classes. Some Sundays we study from a Sunday school guide and some Sundays we discuss topics and questions that have been brought up by members of the class. It is a relaxed atmosphere and has both men and women in our class.

Our youth enjoy time together every Sunday morning during Sunday School, where we have Bible study and an activity. On the 2nd and 4th Sunday’s of each month we come together from 5 – 6 pm for Youth Fellowship. During this time we have a lesson and games. Throughout the year we have lock-ins, fundraisers, famines, lunches and trips. During each of these times we learn more about our God and what we can do to serve Him.
Pre-school through elementary, Rhoadesville has a Sunday school class for your child. Our children’s classes are broken down and divided every couple of grades in order for our teachers to be able to teach the bible in a manner that is appropriate for the age of the child. Many of our Sunday school teacher are currently or are former school teachers which enable them to effectively and enthusiastically teach the Word of God to the future of our church.

Come Worship with Us
Psalms 29:2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness.